My name is Janice Ardern (Janie). I am from East Tawas, Michigan, where I grew up and spent my summers there on shores of Lake Huron. I also lived in the thumb area of Michigan. My family and husband settled in Traverse City, Mi where we lived for 42 years. I moved to Idaho after my husband passed on to be with my daughter, her husband and my two youngest grandchildren.
I have been painting and creating visual art for 60 years, mainly for my own love of art. I paint water scenes, boats, animals and everything, but because I was around much water all my life, I like painting things I remember as I walked back roads in the woods seeing deer, animals, and fishing.
I took four years of art in high school, but college was not a option for me, though I continued to paint. I put a few pieces of my art in Ardern’s Floral Shop, Saginaw, Mi. And then sold them 50 years ago, but because I was raising 3 children and in a business in TC Traverse, my art was an on-and-off career. I have painted on boards that my dad would cut for me, painted on rocks, driftwood I found on the beach, even a mushroom which grows on a tree.
My interest in art was in 4th grade, my dad cut out a large board and it was Christmas. I painted a nativity scene on it and Dad put it on the porch of our over 100-year-old home with a spotlight on it. I was so proud!
My grade school, St Hyacinth’s Grade School required drawings and art as part of their curriculum. I knew and liked art and I loved how it made feel to create beautiful things. In addition to art I’ve also been into sewing since 9th grade, making many of my own clothes.
I now paint water scenes of Idaho, farms, wild flowers, elk, the Palouse and anything that catches my eye. I also continue to paint scenes of Michigan. I am grateful to be in Moscow, Idaho, the Heart of the Arts, to pursue my art and participate as a member of the PWA.
Facts about me:
Self taught 55 years
Member: Palouse Women Artists
Member: Society of Decorative Painters 22 years
(A global and largest painting organization)
You can find my art at:
Moscow City Artist directory
Moscow Chocolate and Art shop, on 3rd Street
At Nich Art Gallery, Pullman
Paradise Bike Shop, Moscow