My husband and I came to Pullman so that I could finish my BS in Microbiology & Public Health. We ended up staying and both of us worked for WSU. I also worked at Pullman Memorial Hospital before I went into research at the WSU College of Veterinary Medicine. We are also avid breeders, trainers and exhibitors of Smooth Collies. They are just like “Lassie”, but with shorter hair.
When I am not doing doggy things, I make jewelry under the name Dot’s Dangles. My jewelry consists of a braided cord or cords made by an ancient Japanese method of braiding called Kumihimo. Kumihimo means “a gathering of cords” and was originally designed to tie the Samurai armor parts together and for tying the obi sashes of the geisha. Although the traditional braids were made out of silk threads, the braids can be made with many different types of threads or cords and combinations of types of cords. Beads, fancy wires and pendants can also be added for interest. The design possibilities are endless. Lately I have been experimenting with variegated ribbon yarns and metallic yarns for very sparkly and interesting braids.